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Version 3.4 Released

Version 3.4 was released on Sunday, March 18th.

Numerous design changes were made to the DJ Website Tools. Changes were made to: Payment Gateway, Contact Us Form, Guest Request System, Music Database, Client Payment Page. For the DJEP back-end, changes were made to the timeline configuration, planning form configuration, and a several other functions.

Several usability features were added, like populating the city and state field when the zip code is entered on the add/edit event form, and pre-filling some of the payment fields.

The coolest new feature is the integration of the music features with iTunes. A "listen" link is placed next to each song. When a client clicks on this link, the iTunes application on their computer will automatically be launched. A search for the song title and artist will automatically be performed and they can preview and even purchase the song.

Version 3.4

* Payment Gateway
* Timeline Configuration
* Planning Form Configuration
* Contact Us Form
* Guest Request System
* Check DJ Availability link on dashboard changed to Check Employee Availability
* Music Lists: small layout changes
* Payment Popup Window: small layout changes
* Payment Popup Window: Comments field converted from textbox to textarea for adding more extensive payment notes
* Event Information Page layout
* Client Portal: Payments Page layout
* Event Information Page: Add-ons list was added to fees section
* Times on Event Form: now default to PM times if just a number is entered

New Features
* When a valid 5 digit zip code is entered in a zipcode field, the city and state are automatically populated
* iTunes Integration: songs now have links the the iTunes system where clients can listen to songs samples. Added this functionality to: guest request system, website tool:music database, client portal: music database, special songs: suggested songs
* You can now associate expenses with particular events
* Discounts: you can now apply up to 2 discounts to each event. There is space for the reason and the amount.
* Email: Related Contacts. When an email is composed based on an event, a related contacts button appears. This allow you to send emails and attachments to related: clients, venues, employees, and vendors.
* Client Portal: Ability to Print Planning Forms. Clients can now print their planning forms from the client portal. You can also disabled this on a system-wide basis

Bug Fixes
* The hours of service wasn't working properly for end times of 12am on.
* The bookedby field replace now correctly displays the employee name instead of their employee id number
* Contact Due corrected to Contract Due on event information page
* The Edit Event Helper page had a small bug which prevented it from displaying under some conditions
* Employee email tracking was not being handled properly. Emails sent from employee accounts should now be tracked correctly
* Small bug that displayed an error message for Reports/Check Availability/Detailed List//Submitted Form?/more details when the req info form has been deleted. A proper message can't be found error is now displayed.
* Employee Time Off Request: a bug was preventing employees from requesting single days if they did not fill in the end date form field (even thought there was a note saying you could do it)
* Mail Inbox: Client Messages were displaying "
" instead of actual line breaks
* Reports - Export Data: The bookedby_name field was not being saved to report templates, and additional bug fixed created by bugfix

* The Check Employee Availability pop from the dashboard now displays the reason for the day off in addition to the status.
* The Add Client / Add Event forms now have the state field pre-filled with the state of the company.
* Music Database Upload: Excel files now supported
* Add Payment Popup: Reason for payment now pre-filled with "Retainer Fee" or "Final Payment" depending on if a prior payment was made for the event
* More details added to client portal: add-on info, retainer fee
* Form field replacements: originally just employee #1 values were available, now employee #2, #3, and #4 are available
* Event List: there is now an option in Settings --> General that allows you to switch between displaying the Last Client Logon and the Assigned Employees
* The event information page now contains the basic client contact information the is viewable by clicking on the + sign
* Send Password function: You can now enter a custom logon link for client password recovery emails
* Send Password function: If your email is verified, the to address and name will be based on your company's email address and company name

Service Notes
* Additional Services: Document Conversion for $20

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 18, 2007 12:29 PM.

The previous post in this blog was DJEP To Exhibit At Mobile Beat Convention.

The next post in this blog is Chubby Checker and Flavor Flav visit MBLV.

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