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Version 3.6 is Released

The latest update for DJ Event Planner has now been released: Version 3.6. There have been addition internationalization features added, including the ability to switch between 3 currency symbols (dollar/euro/pound), and customization of address fields specifically for users in the United Kingdom. To help keep track of incoming leads, the inbox now displays tracking icons for leads that you have responded to and added to the system. You can now assign up to 5 employees per event and a few options have been added for employees.

New Features
* Document Creation Filtering: The display options available on the Create Email or HTML document can now be filtered based on the events of the status
* Document/Email Template Display Names. You can now assign a display name which is used for the dropdown for document creation.
* Ability to reassign events to a different client
* Ability to mark To Do items as completed. Previously you had to delete them to remove them from the dashboard. You can also now view previously completed To Do Items
* Inbox Filter: the default filter is to hide any inbox items that you have replied to or added as an event (for req info form submissions)
* Inbox Tracking: Tracks when you respond to an client message
* Discount List: set it up via Setup->Application Settings. You can assign a default discount amount that will fill in the field when selected
* Next Action Date: the date that the next action has to be completed


* New Employee Fields: Emergency Contact, Employment Type, Category
* 5 Employees can now be assigned to each event
* Email Template List: display name, subject, scheduled email status, and scheduled email details (on mouseover of clock icon) have been added
* Employee Interface: Email button added to allow employees to email clients
* Employee option: Check Availability Popup can be set to include or exclude the employee
* Inbox lcons: New icons represent whether the item was responded to or added to the event planner database
* More Date Replacement Fields: Addon descriptions
* Search Box: the full name of a client, contact or employee will now be found when entered into the search box
* Event List: colors and layout have changed to present more data in a smaller space that is more readable at a glance
* Dashboard Notification for Employee Time Off: List of employees is now displayed instead of just one generic message


* Guest Count: converted from a numeric field to a text field. This allows you to enter 100/20 for 100 total and 20 kids for example


* Dashboard notification of employee requests for time off now shows the message only if there are pending events. Previously any denied dates triggered the message

* Address Format for United Kingdom: address line 1, address line 2, city, country, postal code are now implemented for: clients, events, employees, venues and contacts
* Currency Format: there is now a setting for the currency type that allows you to select between the dollar, pound, and euro...Setup -> Application Settings -> General
* Request Information Form: now displays country instead of state for the new venue (for non US/CA)
* Request Information Form: dropdown list now shows Venue Name, then a dash, then the Venue City. Previously it showed a comma and blank (no state value). (for non US/CA)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 2007 1:53 PM.

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The next post in this blog is DJEP Releases Version 3.7.

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